Party Musical bow tie
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Party Music bow tie
Party Music bow tie
Party Music bow tie
Party Musical bow tie from
Party Musical bow tie back
Party Music bow tie
Party Music bow tie

Party musical bow tie


Handmade. Dark gray bow tie patterned with musical notes in lighter gray, the back in plain black.

It’s made with cotton and artificial silk fabric. Its measurement is 6 cm x 12 cm.

The ribbon is black. It’s made with artificial silk fabric, it is adjustable, with a length of 57 centimeters. It has a special set of brooches and a pin to adapt it to your neck, to each person’s needs.

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Party musical bow tie. Hecha a mano en nuestra tienda en España. Ideal para vestir con tu traje, en cenas, bodas, eventos, recepciones, conferencias… Original y elegante.

Pajarita negra estampada con notas musicales en gris oscuro y fondo negro. Hecha de algodón y seda artificial. Su medida es de 6 cm x 12 cm.

La cinta es del mismo tejido que la pajarita. Es ajustable, con una longitud de 2×57 centímetros. Tiene un conjunto especial de broches y un pasador para poder adaptarla a su cuello, a la necesidad de cada uno.

La pajarita se puede pedir bajo pedido para el padre e hijos. Para los niños se tiene que contactar con la empresa para los detalles.

Son pajaritas únicas porque hay pocas piezas de cada una para guardar la originalidad. Puede encontrar más variedad de pajaritas con notas musicales en la categoría de PAJARITAS-BOWTIES

Pertenecemos a la Asociación de Comerciantes de Almuñécar (Granada)


Party musical bow tie. Handmade in our store. Ideal to wear your suit, at dinners, weddings, events, receptions, conferences … Original and elegant.

Black bow tie patterned with musical notes in dark gray . It’s made of cotton and artificial silk. Its measurement is 6 cm x 12 cm.

The ribbon is made of the same fabric. It’s adjustable, with a length of 2×57 centimeters. It has a special set of brooches and a pin to adapt it to your neck, to the needs of each one.

This bow tie can be ordered on request for father and children. For children you have to contact the company for details.

They’re unique bow ties because there’re few pieces of each to keep the originality.

You can find more variety of bow ties with musical notes in our PAJARITAS-BOWTIES category gallery

We belong to the Merchants Association of Almuñécar (Granada)


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